発行年 |
タイトル |
著者 |
頁数 |
号 |
2003 |
Coastal fish distribution in the waters adjacent to a thermal power station at the western coast of Kyusyu, Japan, with regard for the fish assemblage near the discharge. |
山本正之・三浦雅大・益原寛文・余吾 豊・遠藤康之
Masayuki Yamamoto, Masao Miura, Hirohumi Masuhara, Yutaka Yogo and Yasuyuki Endo |
12 |
第5号 |
13.3MB |
Keyword:温排水,蝟集,潜水目視観察,thermal effluent, gathering, underwater visual census |
Seasonal changes in age and fork length composition of the bigeye trevally Caranx sexfasciatus in the waters adjacent to a thermal power station on the western coast of Kyushu, Japan. |
三浦雅大・山本正之・益原寛文・余吾 豊・遠藤康之
Masao Miura, Masayuki Yamamoto, Hirohumi Masuhara, Yutaka Yogo and Yasuyuki Endo |
7 |
第5号 |
1.7MB |
Keyword:温排水,thermal effluent |
Combined effects of temperature, salinity and light intensity on growth and maturation of sterile green alga, Ulva sp. |
Chiho Kishida and Masasuke Baba |
6 |
第5号 |
535KB |
Keyword: |
スズキ Lateolabrax japonicus の放射性核種137Cs蓄積に対する塩分の影響―RIトレーサーを用いた飼料経由の137Cs蓄積に関する実験的研究―
Effects of salinity on bioaccumulation of orally administered 137Cs in juvenile Japanese sea bass, Lateolabrax japonicus -An experimental study through a single oral dose with RI tracer-. |
石川雄介・鈴木 譲・笠松不二男・長屋 裕・篠田芳晴・中村良一・中原元和
Yusuke Ishikawa, Yuzuru Suzuki, Fujio Kasamatsu, Yutaka Nagaya, Yoshiharu Shinoda, Ryoichi Nakamura, Motokazu Nakahara |
8 |
第5号 |
2.0MB |
Keyword:生物濃縮,radionuclide,bioaccumulation |
有機スズ類の生物影響に関する文献調査 特に規制前後から近年における野外濃度レベルおよび暴露実験を中心として
Bibliographical study of the organotins on biological effects Principally concentration levels in natural environments and exposure experiments from nearly the legislations to recent years. |
Keiyu Marumo |
49 |
第5号 |
5.7MB |
Keyword:ブチルスズ,フェニルスズ,海水,海底土,海産生物,butyltin, phenyltin, seawater, sediment, marine organismss |
2002 |
Grazing effects of Diadema spp. on algal vegetation in the sea around Matsushima Island, Nagasaki Pref., western Kyushu. |
Kosei Dotsu, Masataka Ohta and Hirofumi Masuhara |
10 |
第4号 |
4.2MB |
Keyword:磯焼け,ホンダワラ類,水温,Isoyake, Sargassum spp., temperature |
Experimental study on temperature preference of Japanese marine fish.. |
Shuji Tsuchida |
56 |
第4号 |
6.7MB |
Keyword:海産魚類,選好温度,最終選好温度,温度耐性,CTM,preferred temperature, final preferendum, temperature tolerance, critical thermal maximum |
Biology of the green mussel Perna viridis. |
劉 海金・渡辺幸彦
Haijin Liu and Yukihiko Watanabe |
9 |
第4号 |
4.9MB |
Keyword:分布,成長,繁殖,生態,distribution, growth rate, breeding, ecology |