
Social Relationships

Dissemination and use of research results
 MERI uses its expertise to conduct research commissioned by the state, municipalities, and the private sector. We provide research results and technical cooperation in response to requests from municipalities and related institutions where the power sources plants are located.
 The results of our research are published in academic journals and the “Report of Marine Ecology Research Institute”. The contents are introduced in an easy-to-understand manner through public relations magazines such as “MERI News” brochures and our website.
 On the website, you can see back issues of “MERI News” and “Handy Marine Information”, as well as video commentary on fish experiments at the Digital Aquarium.
 The Central Laboratory’s data library collects information related to water intake and discharge from power plants, ecological knowledge regarding marine organisms from domestic and international research reports and academic journals, etc. This information is used for research by MERI, and responding to inquiries from the fisheries industry and the power industry, etc.
 The Exhibition Hall is introducing the research results related to the effects of thermal effluents on marine organisms.

Local communities Relationships
 The Central Research Laboratory and Central Research Laboratory Kashiwazaki Station are opened to the public once a year. The visitors can join a tour of the research facilities, the rearing experimental facilities and other facilities, engage in the microscopic observation of organisms, examine fish anatomy, experience an interactive display pool, making bookmarks from pressed seaweed and visit a science café, etc.
 We are cooperating in environmental conservation education activities, comprehensive learning activities, and workplace experience learning.

Tours of the rearing facilities   Fish anatomy   Interactive display pool
Science café   Bookmarks made from dried seaweed   Hand Printing Eco-bags